JUDGING REPORT from Alex Paisey
Cheltenham and DCS Open Show 19 February 2012
A small but quality entry – my thanks for bringing them on the day
PG (1) 1.Gatiss’ Nixophel Smokey Quartz, 2yr old dog still maturing with lovely expression and good front, full of life as he should be.
O(2) 1 & BOB. Hird’s Cloweswood Fagus, 4 yr old well-balanced dog with pleasing head, good feet and coat, moved well to take the class over the pretty bitch.
2. Jansons Ch Nixophel Crystal Amethyst JW, ShCM, a well balanced bitch who was a pleasure to judge. A close call but felt the dog seemed on top form today.
Judge: Alex Paisey